outpeer.kz - education that changes the future!
3 years
on the market
6 areas
of study
IT experts / mentors
Our achievements
880 000 tg
Average salary by AH
average salary of our graduates, confirmed by Astana Hub
1000+ students
Number of students
The outpeer.kz project was founded in February 2021 to introduce and promote professional development among young IT professionals.
About us
Our goal is to organically transform our company into a comprehensive professional development platform, covering all the needs of the modern professional from emerging markets and exposing them to knowledge from global markets:
  • provision of high quality education
  • familiarisation with smart networks
  • expertise through participation in global business cases.
Data Analytics/Data Science Consulting outpeer business
IT School
Mentorship Platform
IT School programs
Data Analytics
Intro to DA
Visualizing data
Tools: Excel / Power BI / SQL / Python
Statistical Concepts
Introduction to Machine learning & Algos
Career Advising
Data Science
Intro to DS/ML, Practical Statistical
Computer Science (Intermediate Python)
Machine Learning
Deep Learning
Elective tracks
Capstone projects
Python Engineering
Introduction to Python Syntax
Advanced Data Types in Python
Writing Iterative Code and Algorithms
Introduction to Object Oriented Programming
Working with APIs
Capstone projects
Blockchain Engineering
Introduction to blockchain and the basics of cryptography
Network Layer and Blockchain Node Architecture
Architecture of blockchain protocols
Advanced Smart Contract Development
Web3 Development and Application Domains
Computer Science & Robotics
Teaching programming on python(basics)
Rasspberry Pico
Developing teaching skills and professionalism
Final project/DemoDay
Advantages of training at outpeer.kz
Training programme
The programme is based on the necessary qualification needs and business requirements to meet real-world challenges
Coaching team
Consists of experts working in foreign and local data driven companies, with research experience and deep knowledge in IT
outpeer.kz offline meetups
Offline meetings of our students and experts from the IT industry to exchange experience and mutual support
Demo Days
The top 7 students in the programme get the opportunity to present their projects in front of professionals from various fields who may be interested in and invest in their projects
Trainee Success
The programme offers students:
- CV preparation + career planning
- open positions in startups, data driven companies
- Support for business connections in the community
Assumes an internship in the form of:
- internships in startups and IT companies
- mentoring from top specialists
- research activities
Well being program
Capstone projects
Aimed at supporting students' mental state by providing them with increased emotional wellbeing
It is an independent, hands-on student project that culminates the learning process, where the student applies the knowledge and skills learnt.
Financial literacy for IT professionals
Financial literacy is essential for professionals in all fields, including IT professionals. This module will help our students to further develop a good understanding of finance and make informed financial decisions
Trainers and Experts
Angelina Gerbolt
Data Science & Analytics
Adilet Gaparov
Data Science
Artyom Rychko
Data Science
Azat Yessen
Data Analytics
Yerasyl Amanbek
Blockchain Engineering
Kairat Tussupbekov
Python Engineering
Baglan Kuturbayev
CS & Robotics
Alikhan Yessaly
CS & Robotics
Saniya Skorobogatko
Python Engineering
We provide businesses across the world with a data analytics and data science consulting cases and services, where we engage our brightest alumnus of our programs into professional team of data science consulting.
Outpeer Business
IT helps our alumni to gain experience and become more competitive in the market. We already were engaged in the projects from the UK (Largest water provider in UK), Sweden (Global IoT company), Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan, and already generated revenue in GBP, UZS and USD, which gives our talents an exposure for global markets.
Our AI powered smart networking platform, that is currently under development and proving its product market fit. The platform helps people to find a comprehensive 1 on 1 sessions with a global tech & business professional via individual sessions.
Mentorship Platform
AI helps to find necessary profile, track record, skills for an effective career planning to excel the personal development map.
We provide free trainings for Computer Science & Robotics high school teachers. The program was supported by Digital Ministry & Ministry of Education, confirming the necessity and quality of the program. According to statistics average schoolteacher educates at least 400 students (we are planning to educate up to 1000 teachers within 5 years), this simple arithmetic helps to have an idea of an exposure of the program into our missions, to educate people and give an access to Tech education. We are already started our pilot program and started with 30 leaders among CS & Robotics teachers.
Social responsibility
Outpeer.kz's initiative stands as a testament to the power of collective action and the potential of digital platforms in bringing about tangible change. By combining education and charity, they not only enriched the minds of participants but also played a crucial role in supporting our community.
Organizations and individuals alike can draw inspiration from this endeavor, recognizing that even in the digital age, there are innovative ways to give back to society. The success of Outpeer.kz's webinars highlights the potential for more such initiatives in the future, where knowledge can be shared, and communities can be uplifted.

Our graduates have been successfully employed in the following companies

Our podcasts
    Our podcasts